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The Problem

Most Neighborhoods in the Rochester District Have Poor Connections and Low Data Plans

During the covid-19 pandemic in 2020, students, parents, and teachers felt the strain and stress that having to do all schoolwork online had on the students. Some families did not have access to WiFi because they could not afford it. Before the pandemic, high-needs district schools were not mandated to have their students work on computers. This was left up to the discretion of the teacher and the school district. The pandemic shed light on yet another gap needing to be bridged in education concerning equity in learning between the haves and the have-nots. 



How are Our Low-Income Students Supposed to Keep Up?

Most Free hotspots or Free WIFI Plans are low-quality WIFI and only perform at high speeds for a certain amount of allowed data. Most Free Data Plans allow 5-15 GBs of high-speed data. 


For some context iSelect states that watching 1 hour of Netflix is equivalent to 3GBs of High-quality data.(Home Internet How Much Data Does Netflix Use? 2020) While All About the Cookies states that a one-hour Zoom call on high-speed 1080p uses 3.06GBs of data used. (McNally & Croft, 2022)



Home Internet How Much Data Does Netflix Use? (2020, February 4). iSelect. Retrieved February 17, 2023, from


McNally, C., & Croft, P. (2022, July 29). Does Your Zoom Call Use More Data Than You Think? Retrieved February 17, 2023, from


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Supply My WiFi" is a Campaign to hold Rochester, NY's public school districts accountable for providing vulnerable students with Free and Accurate WiFi at home and the educational tools required while ensuring equity within and outside the classroom.

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